Projects & Activities
WEDCO is building our communities by developing key components of an economic ecosystem, including infrastructure, access to capital, workforce development, and business assistance resources. The projects below were undertaken to support our goal of fostering a vibrant economy for Wayne County.
Sterling Business & Technology Park
WEDCO has completed Phase 1, 2 & 3 of a 252-acre, mixed-use business park located approximately 1/2 mile from Exit 17 on Interstate 84. The business park is a Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) and Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ). It is approved for light manufacturing, professional office, assembly, technology, distribution, and light industrial uses. Current tenants include Sutophen East and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. The location provides excellent access to the NY, NJ, and New England markets. WEDCO garnered nearly $10 million in public/private investment for Phase 1. Final subdivision approval has been received and the first tenant leasing space in the park began operations in the summer of 2013.

The Stourbridge Project
The Stourbridge Project is the development of a community business support center in the former Stourbridge School located within the Borough of Honesdale. The Stourbridge Project will stimulate entrepreneurial activities by providing technology infrastructure, resource sharing, networking opportunities, professional expertise and supportive services for the development of new ventures. WEDCO has garnered $150,000 in federal grant funds for technology/media equipment for the co-working space. Multiple entities, particularly the County of Wayne, are investing time, resources and talent to develop the facility and support our entrepreneurs. In 2018, the Stourbridge Project received the prestigious Pennsylvania Economic Development Association's Project of the Year.
Wayne Tomorrow
WEDCO is on the Executive Committee of Wayne Tomorrow, a County-wide strategic visioning initiative. Led by our Wayne County Commissioners, Wayne Tomorrow participants have created a shared vision for future development within the County. Workgroups are implementing the action plan through priority projects, including broadband expansion, community hubs, a local food system, joint marketing and communication network, business incubator project, and addressing sustainability issues.
Hawley Silk Mill
This project is the adaptive reuse of 60,000 former industrial facility called the Hawley Silk Mill. WEDCO was applicant for $6 million low-interest bond financing from the Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority to complement significant private investment. Located in the Borough of Hawley, the Silk Mill is the new location for Lackawanna College’s Lake Region Center and an economic hub for the greater Hawley area.
Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance (Workforce Wayne, Inc.)
WEDCO spearheaded the creation of Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance (Workforce Wayne, Inc.) in order to address the "people side of economic development". From its inception, the alliance took a progressive approach to workforce issues within Wayne and neighboring Pike County. The unique partnership of business, education, community, government, employment and economic development entities has increased connectivity to higher education and training providers, brought hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant funding into the region, developed a training lab, provided training dollars to businesses, and advanced their overall goals. In 2012, Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance was designated a Community Education Council (CEC) by the PA Department of Education. They continue to strengthen business-education partnerships, connect business to workforce training and employment resources, and promote a strategic vision for comprehensive delivery of services within Wayne and Pike Counties.
Central Wayne Regional Authority
WEDCO garnered grant funds and facilitated the start-up of a regional authority to manage the construction, operation and maintenance of a 2.2 MGD wastewater treatment plant in Honesdale. Bethany Borough, Cherry Ridge Township, Dyberry Township, Honesdale Borough, and Texas Township are joint signers of the Inter-municipal Agreement, with Cherry Ridge, Honesdale, and Texas being the original incorporators.